Listed here are the Committee Members of the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, including our President and head-honcho, Peter Coombs.
Listed here are the Committee Members of the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, including our President and head-honcho, Peter Coombs.
Following yesterday’s Annual General Meeting, we are delighted to confirm the newly elected members who will lead the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club in its 99th year!
Congratulations to all returning and retiring Committee Members, in particular to Peter Coombs who returns for his third year as President.
In addition to a new Secretary and four new faces on the Committee, yesterday’s Annual General Meeting saw the renaming of two of our executive positions.
The Leeming Spartan Cricket Club has been extremely fortunate to have regularly had fine individuals to fulfil the most senior executive positions since our foundation in 1918.
Listed below are the individuals who have undertaken the crucial role of Vice President.
Listed here are the Executive Members of the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, including our President and head-honcho, Peter Coombs.