Since 1918, the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club has been extremely fortunate to have had such an illustrious list of fine individuals who have dedicated countless years to furthering our success.

Their dedication and commitment have been crucial and are the reason as to why we have reached one hundred years of operation, and have made Leeming Spartan not only one of the oldest clubs in Western Australia, but also one of the most successful.

Our honour board and list of office bearers, both depicted below, are but a small recognition of the endearing commitments these Spartans have made, and they also sit proudly on display inside our clubhouse in prime view.

Page Contents

Our complete list of Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers (who compile our Executive Committee) are listed in the tables below, both in a tenure list and a year-by-year view.

Our incumbent executive representatives are Peter Coombs (President), Ron McDonald and Paul Kalleske (Vice Presidents), Daniel Coombs (Secretary) and Geoff Burgess (Treasurer).

 View Our Current Executive Committee 

Office Bearers:







1.1918 - 1919   W.R. Hibbert1920 - 1923   E. Jefferies1921 - 1922   W. Potter1918 - 1922   V. Prince1918 - 1925   J. Vaughan
2.1920 - 1942   S. Thomson J.P.1923 - 1924   J. Jarvis1922 - 1923   J. Jarvis1922 - 1923   J. Whittome1925 - 1931   A. Gracie
3.1945 - 1959   A.E. West1924 - 1929   P. Jarvis1923 - 1924   R. Prince1923 - 1925   J. Vaughan1931 - 1940   P. Fiddament
4.1959 - 1978   J. Knox-Peden1929 - 1930   W. Potter1976 - 1977   W.L. Farmer1925 - 1929   A. Meyer1940 - 1942   I. McClumpha
5.1978 - 1982   B.M. Waterer1930 - 1932   C. Saggers1977 - 1980   R.E. Gough1929 - 1931   A. Gracie1945 - 1948   A.E. West
6.1982 - 1983   P.J. Dama1932 - 1933   W. Potter1980 - 1981   P.J. Dama1931 - 1939   P. Fiddament1948 - 1949   J. Knox-Peden
7.1983 - 2000   B.M. Waterer1933 - 1938   C. Saggers1981 - 1982   T.J. Wortley1939 - 1942   I. McClumpha1949 - 1952   K. Clifton
8.2000 - 2002   P.A. Read1938 - 1942   I. McClumpha1982 - 1984   S.A. Carter1945 - 1948   A.E. West1952 - 1953   W.J. Rayner
9.2002 - 2007   B.M. Waterer1945 - 1948   J. Knox-Peden1984 - 1985   W.L. Farmer1948 - 1949   J. Knox-Peden1953 - 1954   J. Hilditch
10.2007 - 2013   J.R. Ipsen1948 - 1949   K. Clifton1985 - 1987   E.J.B. Preedy1949 - 1952   K. Clifton1954 - 1958   W. Morcom
11.2013 - 2014   S.J. Hersey1949 - 1959   J. Knox-Peden1987 - 1988   J.P. Read1952 - 1953   W.J. Rayner1958 - 1959   L.F. Read
12.2014 - 2015   A.B. Seaward1959 - 1960   T. Langlands1988 - 1989   E.J.B. Preedy1953 - 1954   B. Jeffries1958 - 1959   B.M. Waterer
13.2015 - Present   P.R. Coombs1960 - 1968   W.J. Rayner1989 - 1990   N. O'Neill1954 - 1956   J. Benjamin1959 - 1971   B.M. Waterer
14.1968 - 1973   C.A. Crompton1990 - 1992   M.K. Smith1956 - 1958   G. Pluske1971 - 1975   R.B. Stanton
15.1973 - 1975   B.M. Waterer1992 - 1993   D. Knowles1958 - 1959   C.A. Crompton1975 - 1977   S.A. Carter
16.1975 - 1976   L.F. Read1993 - 1996   P.A. McGilvray1959 - 1970   B.M. Waterer1977 - 1978   R.B. Turton
17.1976 - 1978   B.M. Waterer1996 - 1999   G.K. Boyes1970 - 1971   A.J. Reynolds1978 - 1983   G.E. Ashley
18.1978 - 1980   L.F. Read1999 - 2000   A.A. Lacey1971 - 1975   P.J. Dama1983 - 1985   P.J. Dama
19.1980 - 1981   R.E. Gough2000 - 2001   B.K. Mant1975 - 1976   T.J. Wortley1987 - 1989   D.J. Blight
20.1981 - 1982   P.J. Dama2002 - 2003   B.K. Mant1975 - 1976   B.M. Waterer1989 - 1994  N.R. Wood
21.1982 - 1983   T.J. Wortley2003 - 2004   C.L. Forsyth1976 - 1979   T.M. Morter1994 - 1995   T.J. Wortley
22.1983 - 1984   W.L. Farmer2004 - 2008   S.P. Wright1979 - 1982   P.A. Read1995 - 1996   G.E. Ashley
23.1984 - 1988   D.J. Blight2008 - 2011   A.B. Seaward1982 - 1984   R.R. Turnbull1996 - 1998   L.J. Donovan
24.1988 - 1989   P.A. Read2011 - 2013   S.J. Hersey1984 - 1985   M.K. Smith1998 - 2001   P.L. Hitch
25.1989 - 1990   N.R. Wood2013 - 2014   S.P. Wright1985 - 1987   G.S. Mazzini2001 - 2004   A.F. Walker
26.1990 - 1993   P.J. Dama2014 - 2015   J.G. Sweetman1987 - 1989   Mrs. D.F. Blight2004 - 2006   G.E. Ashley
27.1993 - 1994   D.J. Blight2015 - 2016   M.M. Hosking1989 - 1990   Mrs. C. Thurkle2006 - 2009   C.T. Pereira
28.1994 - 1996   G. Pound2016 - Present   P.A. Kalleske1990 - 2001   G.E. Ashley2009 - 2011   Mrs. K. Atkinson
29.1996 - 1999   P.A. McGilvray2001 - 2002   J.P.A. Hamling2011 - 2015   S.J. Murfitt
30.1999 - 2000   P.A. Read2002 - 2005   Mrs. T.M. Flavell2015 - Present   G. Burgess
31.2000 - 2001   D. Stammers2005 - 2007   Mrs. T.M. Bond
32.2001 - 2002   B.K. Mant2007 - 2009   S.J. Davies
33.2002 - 2003   D.J. Rose2009 - 2013   Mrs. S.J. Boyes
34.2003 - 2004   B.K. Mant2013 - 2015   Mrs. L.M. Seaward
35.2004 - 2006   C.L. Forsyth2015 - 2017   S.J. Davies
36.2006 - 2007   J.R. Ipsen2017 - 2019 D.P. Coombs
37.2007 - 2011   R.J. McDonald2019 - 2020   G. Burgess
38.2011 - 2014   A.B. Seaward2020 - Present D.P. Coombs
39.2014 - 2015   J.E. Tuthill
40.2015 - 2020   G.K. Hack
41.2020 - 2021 G.A. Tysoe
42.2021 - Present R.J. McDonald







Last Updated: July 2021

Please note that until 2017, the two positions of Vice President were divided into both a Senior and Junior Vice President role. In 2017 it was decided to merge the positions into two Vice President roles, both of which carry an equal weighting.

Office Bearers Year View:

1918/1919Rev. W.R. HibbertV. PrinceJ. Vaughan
1919/1920Rev. W.R. HibbertV. PrinceJ. Vaughan
1920/1921S. ThomsonE. JefferiesV. PrinceJ. Vaughan
1921/1922S. ThomsonE. JefferiesW. PotterV. PrinceJ. Vaughan
1922/1923S. ThomsonE. JefferiesJ. JarvisJ. WhittomeJ. Vaughan
1923/1924S. ThomsonJ. JarvisR. PrinceJ. VaughanJ. Vaughan
1924/1925S. ThomsonP. JarvisJ. VaughanJ. Vaughan
1925/1926S. ThomsonP. JarvisA. MeyerA. Gracie
1926/1927S. ThomsonP. JarvisA. MeyerA. Gracie
1927/1928S. ThomsonP. JarvisA. MeyerA. Gracie
1928/1929S. ThomsonP. JarvisA. MeyerA. Gracie
1929/1930S. ThomsonW. PotterA. GracieA. Gracie
1930/1931S. ThomsonC. SaggersA. GracieA. Gracie
1931/1932S. ThomsonC. SaggersP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1932/1933S. ThomsonW. PotterP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1933/1934S. ThomsonC. SaggersP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1934/1935S. ThomsonC. SaggersP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1935/1936S. ThomsonC. SaggersP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1936/1937S. ThomsonC. SaggersP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1937/1938S. ThomsonC. SaggersP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1938/1939S. ThomsonI. McClumphaP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1939/1940S. ThomsonI. McClumphaP. FiddamentP. Fiddament
1940/1941S. ThomsonI. McClumphaI. McClumphaI. McClumpha
1941/1942S. ThomsonI. McClumphaI. McClumphaI. McClumpha
1945/1946A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenA.E. WestA.E. West
1946/1947A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenA.E. WestA.E. West
1947/1948A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenA.E. WestA.E. West
1948/1949A.E. WestK. CliftonJ. Knox-PedenJ. Knox-Peden
1949/1950A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenK. CliftonK. Clifton
1950/1951A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenK. CliftonK. Clifton
1951/1952A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenK. CliftonK. Clifton
1952/1953A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerW.J. Rayner
1953/1954A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenB. JefferiesJ. Hilditch
1954/1955A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenJ. BenjaminW. Morcom
1955/1956A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenJ. BenjaminW. Morcom
1956/1957A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenG. PluskeW. Morcom
1957/1958A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenG. PluskeW. Morcom
1958/1959A.E. WestJ. Knox-PedenC.A. Crompton L.F. Read
B.M. Waterer
1959/1960J. Knox-PedenT. LanglandsB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1960/1961J. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1961/1962J. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1962/1963J. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1963/1964J. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1964/1965J. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1965/1966J. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1966/1967J. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1967/1968J. Knox-PedenW.J. RaynerB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1968/1969J. Knox-PedenC.A. CromptonB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1969/1970J. Knox-PedenC.A. CromptonB.M. WatererB.M. Waterer
1970/1971J. Knox-PedenC.A. CromptonA.J. ReynoldsB.M. Waterer
1971/1972J. Knox-PedenC.A. CromptonP.J. DamaR.B. Stanton
1972/1973J. Knox-PedenC.A. CromptonP.J. DamaR.B. Stanton
1973/1974J. Knox-PedenB.M. WatererP.J. DamaR.B. Stanton
1974/1975J. Knox-PedenB.M. WatererP.J. DamaR.B. Stanton
1975/1976J. Knox-PedenB.M. Waterer
L.F. Read
T.J. Wortley
B.M. Waterer
S.A. Carter
B.M. Waterer
1976/1977J. Knox-PedenB.M. WatererW.L. FarmerT.W. MorterS.A. Carter
1977/1978J. Knox-PedenB.M. WatererR.E. GoughT.W. MorterR.B. Turton
1978/1979B.M. WatererL.F. ReadR.E. GoughT.W. MorterG.E. Ashley
1979/1980B.M. WatererL.F. ReadR.E. GoughP.A. ReadG.E. Ashley
1980/1981B.M. WatererR.E. GoughP.J. DamaP.A. ReadG.E. Ashley
1981/1982B.M. WatererP.J. DamaT.J. WortleyP.A. ReadG.E. Ashley
1982/1983P.J. DamaT.J. WortleyS.A. CarterR.R. TurnbullG.E. Ashley
1983/1984B.M. WatererW.L. FarmerS.A. CarterR.R. TurnbullP.J. Dama
1984/1985B.M. WatererD.J. BlightW.L. FarmerM.K. SmithP.J. Dama
1985/1986B.M. WatererD.J. BlightE.J.B. PreedyG.S. MazziniP.A. Read
1986/1987B.M. WatererD.J. BlightE.J.B. PreedyG.S. MazziniP.A. Read
1987/1988B.M. WatererD.J. BlightJ.P. ReadD.F. BlightD.J. Blight
1988/1989B.M. WatererP.A. ReadE.J.B. PreedyD.F. Blight
C. Thurkle
D.J. Blight
1989/1990B.M. WatererN.R. WoodN. O'NeillC. ThurkleN.R. Wood
1990/1991B.M. WatererP.J. DamaM.K. SmithG.E. AshleyN.R. Wood
1991/1992B.M. WatererP.J. DamaM.K. SmithG.E. AshleyN.R. Wood
1992/1993B.M. WatererP.J. DamaD. KnowlesG.E. AshleyN.R. Wood
1993/1994B.M. WatererD.J. BlightP.A. McGilvrayG.E. AshleyN.R. Wood
1994/1995B.M. WatererG. PoundP.A. McGilvrayG.E. AshleyT.J. Wortley
1995/1996B.M. WatererG. PoundP.A. McGilvrayG.E. AshleyG.E. Ashley
1996/1997B.M. WatererP.A. McGilvrayG.K. BoyesG.E. AshleyL.J. Donovan
1997/1998B.M. WatererP.A. McGilvrayG.K. BoyesG.E. AshleyL.J. Donovan
1998/1999B.M. WatererP.A. McGilvrayG.K. BoyesG.E. AshleyP.L. Hitch
1999/2000B.M. WatererP.A. ReadA.A. LaceyG.E. AshleyP.L. Hitch
2000/2001P.A. ReadD. StammersB.K. MantG.E. AshleyP.L. Hitch
2001/2002P.A. ReadB.K. MantJ.P.A. HamlingA.F. Walker
2002/2003B.M. WatererD.J. RoseB.K. MantT. FlavellA.F. Walker
2003/2004B.M. WatererB.K. MantC.L. ForsythT. FlavellA.F. Walker
2004/2005B.M. WatererC.L. ForsythS.P. WrightT. FlavellG.E. Ashley
2005/2006B.M. WatererC.L. ForsythS.P. WrightT. BondG.E. Ashley
2006/2007B.M. WatererJ.R. IpsenS.P. WrightT. BondC.T. Pereira
2007/2008J.R. IpsenR.J. McDonaldS.P. WrightS.J. DaviesC.T. Pereira
2008/2009J.R. IpsenR.J. McDonaldA.B. SeawardS.J. DaviesC.T. Pereira
2009/2010J.R. IpsenR.J. McDonaldA.B. SeawardS. BoyesMrs. K. Atkinson
2010/2011J.R. IpsenR.J. McDonaldA.B. SeawardS. BoyesMrs. K. Atkinson
2011/2012J.R. IpsenA.B. SeawardS.J. HerseyS. BoyesS.J. Murfitt
2012/2013J.R. IpsenA.B. SeawardS.J. HerseyS. BoyesS.J. Murfitt
2013/2014S.J. HerseyA.B. SeawardS.P. WrightL. SeawardS.J. Murfitt
2014/2015A.B. SeawardJ.E. TuthillJ.G. SweetmanL. SeawardS.J. Murfitt
G.E. Ashley
2015/2016P.R. CoombsG.K. HackM.M. HoskingS.J. DaviesG. Burgess
2016/2017P.R. CoombsG.K. HackP.A. KalleskeS.J. DaviesG. Burgess
2017/2018P.R. CoombsG.K. HackP.A. KalleskeD.P. CoombsG. Burgess
2018/2019P.R. CoombsG.K. HackP.A. KalleskeD.P. CoombsG. Burgess
2019/20P.R. CoombsG.K. HackP.A. KalleskeP.R. Coombs/G. BurgessG. Burgess
2020/21P.R. CoombsG.A. TysoeP.A. KalleskeD.P. CoombsG. Burgess
2021/22P.R. CoombsR.J.McDonaldP.A.KalleskeD.P.CoombsG.Burgess
2022/23P.R. CoombsT.A.GillP.A.KalleskeD.P.CoombsG.Burgess

Last Updated: July 2021

Please note that until 2017, the two positions of Vice President were divided into both a Senior and Junior Vice President role. In 2017 it was decided to merge the positions into two Vice President roles, both of which carry an equal weighting.

Important Notes:

  • The second Vice President position was introduced in 1922, with both positions carrying an equal weighting at that time. However, this role was short lived and was discontinued in 1924, and would not return for another 52 years, in 1976.
  • The Vice President positions would ultimately be separated into a Senior and Junior Vice President role under the reformed constitution, that dictated that an unequal number of executive members must preside over the Club at any given time.
  • In 2017, the positions were reverted back into two Vice President roles, which carry an equal weight.
  • This is the reason why, for example, B.K. Mant is listed in the second Vice President column in 2000 until 2001, as he was Junior Vice President. The following year, he became Senior Vice President (and is in the first Vice President column), before returning to the Junior role the following year.
  • There have only been thirteen Presidents in our hundred year history, and only eleven different people have fulfilled the role.
  • Brian Waterer had three separate stints as President, totalling a record 27 years.
  • There were no Office Bearers between 1942 and 1945 as the Club was in recession due to World War Two. Learn more about our re-establishment here.





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