Please be advised that Rio Tinto provides an annual $360.00 subsidy (cost) to all of it’s employees related to membership/participation fees, exercise or ergonomic equipment that supports your health and wellbeing.
As a playing member of the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, your membership and participation fees apply. Refer to below flyer.
To submit and claim to Rio Tinto, you will require a receipt of payment from the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club.
This is a fantastic an innovative offer by Rio Tinto in its support of health and wellbeing of its people and I would encourage you to contact myself or Geoff Burgess directly to obtain the necessary paperwork and submit a claim.
I would also, again make you all aware that if you are also a WACA member, your membership yearly renewal is also subsidized by virtue of you being a Leeming Spartan Cricket Club member/player. Again, contact myself or Geoff Burgess to obtain the required paperwork.
Kind Regards,
Peter Coombs
President – Leeming Spartan Cricket Club (Inc)