As you are all probably now aware, last night the SMCA Executive met and elected to reduce the season by one week, meaning the grand finals will be played on the weekend of 12th and 13th March.

Putting the motivation of that belated decision aside, over the last few weeks, I have been in contact with the WA Health Department, our State and Federal Government officials and contacts and the WACA and the WASTCA to obtain professional information, advice and direction.

What I am being very clearly advised is that the months of March and April are identified as being the highest level of risk for catching COVID-19 and we run the real risk of having another cluster outbreak or super-spreading event. With over 600 cases today and 5 hospitalisations, there is clear evidence that things are going to get rapidly worse before they improve.

Currently, we are operating under Level 1 restrictions which includes, among other restrictions, the 2 square metre rule. My general concern, given the recent spike in COVID-19  cases and the expected trend is that Level 2 restrictions may come into effect, including the 4 square metre rule and, more importantly, extreme restrictions on visitations to loved ones in hospitals and disability and aged care facilities.

Our club has been through the process of our entire One Day A side being placed in a 14 day lock down and well over 150 members and families undergoing testing thereby placing enormous stress and loss of income on our players and their families- something that cannot be underestimated.

With this all in mind and the real possibility that even with the now “shortened” season, the finals may still not be able to be played, myself and your Executive team have decided to postpone the Read-Waterer Club Champion Player count and our end of season windup and awards night until the commencement of season 2022/23 as we believe the risk to health and safety to our members and families is too high.

Again, I would please ask you to listen and follow the guidelines that are communicated daily by the Western Australian Health Department and the State Government and not from individuals or unqualified organisations who believe they know better.

Finally, please, if you haven’t already, get “double vaxxed and boostered” and if you display any symptoms, get tested immediately.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and the clubhouse will continue to be open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights until advised otherwise and I will publish any further information or updates as they come to hand.

In the meantime, please everyone, stay safe and look after one another.

If you have any queries or questions, please contact me directly.


Peter Coombs


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