When the clock struck 12:01am yesterday on Sunday 14th February the Perth metropolitan region came out of transitional COVID-19 lockdown meaning almost all COVID-19 requirements have been removed and we are back to the way things were for the majority of the 2020/21 season.

The Leeming Spartan Cricket Club is directly affected by this easing of restrictions and whilst some requirements still apply, many of the precautions including the wearing of face masks is no longer applicable.

We can go back to the way of life we enjoyed two weeks ago, which also means that masks are no longer mandatory. Notably, the only major COVID-19 requirement still in force will be the continuation of signing in at venues or using the SafeWA application. Remember also that if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, please get tested.

The Leeming Spartan Cricket Club is directly affected by this easing of restrictions and whilst some requirements still apply, many of the precautions including the wearing of face masks is no longer applicable.

With more than 102,000 tests performed since Sunday 31 January, it is confirmed that a 15th day of zero local cases of COVID-19 in WA has been recorded, highlighting the amazing way Western Australia has banded together during the past two weeks. The past two weeks were undoubtedly difficult for everyone, but ultimately hugely important and means we are now able to go back to the way we were a fortnight ago. This is a testament to everyone doing the right thing!

Leeming Spartan Requirements:

  • Face masks are no longer required
  • We are now bound only by the 2 square-metre rule meaning maximum capacity has been lifted
  • Patrons to please continue signing in using either the paper register or SafeWA app

Other COVID-19 Notes:

  • No new cases overnight and into Monday 15th February
  • This includes in both the community and hotel quarrantine
  • The hard border with Victoria will be extended until midnight on this coming Wednesday based on advice from the Chief Health Officer
    • A decision on Wednesday will be made to determine if it needs to be further extended
  • The hard border with New South Wales will be moved back to a controlled border as of midnight tonight – a G2G pass will be required but travel will be permitted

Information About Testing:

Anyone in WA will now be assessed for a COVID-19 test if they present with ANY of the following:

  • A fever of 37.5°C or above
  • A documented history of a fever in the last few days
  • An acute respiratory infection (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat)
  • Acute loss of smell or taste

If you have these symptoms, please get tested, and help us identify every case of COVID-19 in WA as early as possible.

To find a testing location, please visit: https://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/COVID-clinics

  • Official information regarding COVID-19 in Western Australia – www.wa.gov.au/covid19
  • WA Department of Health information – www.healthywa.wa.gov.au
  • National Coronavirus Helpline – 1800 020 080
  • WA COVID-19 health and information and advice – 13 COVID (13 26843)

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