After several meetings and negotiations with the City of Melville, the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club’s Executive Committee is thrilled to announce the proposed upgrade of our outdated John Connell change room building has been agreed to commence!

Club President Peter Coombs under the banner of the Leeming Sports Association (LSA) which we are joint members of with Leeming Bowls Club and Leeming Strikers Soccer Club has fought and fought for this with the City of Melville for almost the entirety of his seven season term and Leeming Spartans President. The Bowling Club also will benefit from the announcement with upgrades to shades above their playing surfaces.

The club had even enlisted the support of local State MP’s – Yaz Mubarakai MLA, the Labor Member for Jandakot and Dr Jags Krishnan, the Labor Member for Riverton. Both in the recent 2021 State Election campaign assisted the club in securing $625,000 from the McGowan Government which the Premier himself has endorsed. A huge thank you must go out to these three men for what they continue to do to assist the club to move forward.

This funding and agreement from the City of Melville will see the existing change room building guttered and an additional two change room and umpires rooms created which will be utilized as female only facilities which will enable both junior and senior female cricketers and umpires plus soccer players in the winter, be able to change and shower in comfort rather than have to use the toilets or their cars to get changed as is the case now. We will also see wheelchair access paths and ramps added to facility.

The new building will also increase it’s amount of storerooms to be utilized by both clubs during the year. 

This plan also sees an upgrade to the entrance and carpark of John Connell Reserve with extra bays created plus the relocation of the crickets nets from their existing location to the eastern end of the carpark, near the playground. 

All of this, in combination with the LSA securing a new 21 year lease at John Connell Reserve at the recent City of Melville meeting should mean our much needed and anticipated 40 metre ground extension which allows a second cricket pitch and ground at John Connell Reserve.

Construction work is set to commence in June 2022 and finish in October 2022.

Our story even made headlines in “Perth Now Melville” with our own Carly Peddie on the front cover. To read their story – see the link here –

See below for the plans and what the new change rooms will look like:

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