Get down to John Connell Reserve anytime today and help us get ready for our biggest season yet!
We’re asking all Spartans to lend a few hours from 10:00am, by getting down for training and sticking around after as we re-Spartanise and clean up the clubhouse!
There’s plenty to do, including stocking the bar, and we need your help setting up our signage, and Spartan-ising the clubhouse for our 99th year!
Free drinks are available to all those who help out, and we’ll have the bar open after training and in the afternoon from 4:00pm for your first taste of Season 2017/18!
Please get down and lend a hand, you’re helping us and more importantly the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club more than you know. We hope to see you there!
Coming Up Next Week:
- Saturday September 30: AFL Grand Final (Clubhouse Closed)
- Sunday October 1: Handover Day
- Sunday October 1: Clubhouse Cleanup Day
- Sunday October 1: Final Pre-Season Training
- Monday October 2: Cleanup Day & Bar Open From 4:00pm
- Tuesday October 3: Regular Training & Bar Open
- Thursday October 5: Regular Training & Bar Open
- Thursday October 5: Season Launch From 7:00pm
Our 2017/18 Sponsors:
Leeming Spartan HQ – John Connell Reserve:
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• Spartan Season Launch •
• Thursday 5th October • 7:00pm • John Connell Reserve •