Following our recent club AGM, we are thrilled to announce our Club Committee & Non-Committee appointments for the upcoming 2019/2020 SMCA season;
President: Peter Coombs (5th season)
Vice Presidents: Glenn Hack & Paul Kalleske (5th & 4th season respectively)
Treasurer: Geoff Burgess (5th season)
Registrar: Graeme Ashley (26th season) – Non-Committee Position
General Committee: Andrew D’Angelo, Adam Morgan, Mick Bennett, Jodie Rennie, Mitch Gardiner & Anthony McGhie.
We bid farewell to Graeme Tysoe, Daniel Coombs and Russell Lee from last season’s committee.
Daniel has made a massive contribution to the club behind the scenes as club secretary for the last 4 seasons. From rebuilding the club website to sponsorship, to social functions to being an integral part of the centenary ball organising committee and more, Dan has done it all off the field. We wish him well in his new working life and hope to see him around the club when he can make it.
Russell has also made a great contribution around his work commitments to the club’s social functions in particular. We also look forward to having Russ down at the club when possible.
Graeme has done a power of work behind the scenes also. From assisting to select sides every week, marking boundary lines at our home grounds to captain of a back to back One Day side, “Tysoe” has been a great asset to the club but we are sure to see him around the place for a few years yet.
A big welcome to Anthony in stepping up to the committee this season. He brings wealth of experience to the table being around Spartans for many years.
Here’s to our new committee and watch this space for what they have planned for season 19/20!