As we’re all well aware, the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club is celebrating its one hundredth anniversary in November 2018, and preparations are well and truly in place to ensure this is the single greatest event in our long and proud history.

With it at the forefront of our minds, we’re extremely pleased to invite all Spartans – past and present – to nominate for our Centenary Committee, to help us prepare for this unprecedented event.

We will be holding our first Hundred-Year Committee Meeting on Wednesday 23rd August from 6:00pm at our clubhouse (John Connell Reserve, Dimond Court in Leeming – see map below) here anyone and everyone is invited to attend and put their hand up to be part of the organising committee.

Our first Centenary Committee Meeting is on Wednesday, 23rd of August from 6:00pm at the clubhouse, and everyone is invited!

The meeting will only go for an hour and refreshments will be available, the purpose of which is to update all those interested on all things in regards to the progress of the Centenary thus far, and begin preparations for individual tasks.

Our main Centenary Function (our “night of nights”) will be taking place on the 17th November 2018 at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle, in what is a full black tie affair for the ages.

The reasoning for the Esplanade? Simple, “we hail from Fremantle, the arsehole of the universe” as stated in our Club song!

SO, please certainly consider becoming part of a once in a lifetime opportunity, by helping to help organise a sensational one hundredth anniversary, all beginning at the Club from 6:00pm on Wednesday 23rd August!

Kind regards,

Peter Coombs & John Ipsen

• First Centenary Committee Meeting •

Wednesday, 23rd of August 2017

6:00pm at the clubhouse, all invited

Please also ask anyone else who you believe may be interested in attending the meeting and being part of the organising committee – it really is a once in a lifetime opportunity – the next time the Club adds another digit to its age is when we turn 1000, and its doubtful we’ll be around for that!!

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Wednesday, 23rd of August 2017 – 6:00pm



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