Wacka’s Funeral
Please be advised of the details regarding the funeral of Spartan favourite son Bevan James here, to which all Spartans are invited.
Please be advised of the details regarding the funeral of Spartan favourite son Bevan James here, to which all Spartans are invited.
Please be advised of the details regarding the funeral of Spartan favourite son Bevan James below, to which all Spartans are invited. Wacka’s funeral will commence at 12:45pm on Friday the 30th of June at the Fremantle Cemetery, with guests to meet at the entrance on Carrington Street. Following proceedings, an after-ceremony will be held…
On behalf of the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, it is with extreme sadness to announce that our most beloved Bevan James has passed away.
The Leeming Spartan Cricket Club has lost its greatest son, as Wacka, who was inducted as a Life Member in 1976, passed away early yesterday morning.