Please find below a copy of the 2017/18 Season’s playing dates, including dates of the first games for both our one-day and two-day sides.

We unfortunately cannot confirm what specific grades we have at this point in time (apart from First and Third) as that information isn’t released by the Association until closer to the season start.

These dates do however apply for all grades, including two-day grades where there are only six teams in the grade (such was the case in our Sixth Grade last year).

The 2017/18 competition commences on Saturday 7th October for our two-day grades (playing in a one-day match), and on Saturday 14th October for our one-day grades. For a full overview, please consult the document below, where you can click to download a copy.

To open the season, we’ll be having another major Season Launch on Thursday 5th October at our clubhouse on John Connell Reserve, with presentations, announcements, welcomes, and of course a Player’s Tea, so be sure to get down for that, regardless of whether you’re playing the following Saturday or not – it is open to all!

• Two-Day Grades • Saturday October 7th •

• One-Day Grades • Saturday October 14th •

• Spartan Season Launch 2017/18 • Thursday October 5th •

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