Over the past week we have been busily updating our club website in anticipation for our redesign and the upcoming 2015/16 season.
Of the more noticeable changes we have made include updating our Sponsors page to accommodate our recent partners who have signed on to support us, such as Bradbury Cricket Australia and our first platinum sponsor, Crystal Finance Australia, whose sponsorship page will launch next week. This Sponsors page now headlines those who have greatly committed to the club in the form of a Platinum Sponsorship, and will also direct you to the other major supporters of the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, whom we are extremely appreciative of.
Additionally, we have updated our list of tabs at the top of the website to include our recently launched Winter T20 competition. This page provides you with all the details relating to this new initiative and also informs viewers on how to nominate your own side for either game. You don’t even have to be a Spartan member to nominate and play!
Finally, we encourage you to please Subscribe to the Spartan Email news at the bottom right of every page. This will send you Email alerts to any of our new posts (such as this one!) to make sure you don’t miss any of our Spartan news and details, particularly ahead of the coming season!
You can also ‘Like’ our Facebook Page to see more of our news and member-specific initiatives as well as any club photos and events!