Please read below the latest news direct from the President Peter Coombs relating to the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club during this stranger-than-usual off-season, as we continue to cope in the wake of COVID-19.

Hi all, I would like to bring you all up to date on matters relating to the Spartans and a possible way forward as we continue to combat the COVID-19 virus that has much of Australia on hold.

With the massive efforts being shown right across Australia, I am sensing that the cricket season 2020/21 will be going ahead as normal. This is of course entirely subject to change and still very early days, but the positive results seen in terms of the number of new cases in Western Australia recently has been very pleasing and gives early confidence to starting the season on time.

When the green light is given by Government, it is my intention to conduct our AGM and hopefully host it this month. Should the restrictions currently in place not be eased, we will also hope to hold our Annual General Meeting online where possible.

Preparations conducted by the current and new Committee for the coming season will commence in the coming weeks.

We also hope to keep everyone engaged during this period, by giving you plenty of things to read on our website. Be sure to keep an eye out for the release of our 2019/20 Yearbook along with a series of short stories and score cards from games gone by. 

We are also hoping to bring back the From The Archives series that proved very popular several years ago with additional stories from Spartan history.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me directly, and I hope that everyone is staying safe. Please look after yourselves and your families and friends and we hope to be up and running before long!

Kind regards,

Peter Coombs
President – Leeming Spartan Cricket Club

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