The Leeming Spartan Cricket Club Executive Committee has provided the below brief update regarding the announcement yesterday that a player within the One Day ‘A’ side has been confirmed as a Covid-19 Positive Case.
And it is a positive one – we can confirm that the 10 team-mates of this player from the match on Saturday 22nd January, 2022 vs Forrestdale have tested negative for Covid-19 on their first test. This includes the four members who came back to the clubrooms on Saturday night after play and on Sunday at the One-Day Final for Seventh Grade. This clears all fellow attendees to the club at both times as casual contacts. They will continue to isolate for 14 days and be re-tested during this time another 3 times before being cleared to resume everyday life and playing cricket.
President Peter Coombs is awaiting a decision from the SMCA with regards the ODA fixture for the next two weeks, however the club is looking to fill this grade from with-in the playing ranks without having to forfeit.
More to come.