Well then, make sure you’re following us on Apple News!

Learn about Apple News and how to subscribe to the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club below or view the page here! It’s very easy to do!

It’s worth noting that every post on our website will automagically be added into Apple News – so if you really wanted to, you could solely use Apple News to get your Spartan fix!

How to subscribe to Leeming Spartan on News:

It’s easy to do, and is one of the best ways to read our articles from your device. Read on below to find out how to add the Spartans to News!

Please note, this only works on Apple devices running iOS 9 or later.

There are two ways of subscribing to the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, the easiest is through the Apple News app itself.

Simply go into the News app, do a search for Leeming Spartan and tap the “heart” button to save us to your favourites!

You only ever need to do this once, and if you have multiple iOS Devices, your subscription will automatically sync via iCloud to all of them!

Step One:

Locate your Apple News application on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch running iOS 9 or later.

Step Two:

Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen, and then do a search for ‘Leeming Spartan’ or ‘Leeming Spartan Cricket Club’.

Step Three:

Once we’ve popped up in the results, simply tap the love heart icon on the right hand side to turn it red – you’ve now added Leeming Spartan Cricket Club to your favourites!

Step Four:

At the bottom of the app, tap the favourites button and there we are, alongside any other sources you’ve added (if any).

See, there we are, amidst the incredibly undecipherable other channels on this iPhone! 

Step Five:

Actually, that’s it! Tap on the Spartan icon to start reading all our latest news stories!

We’ve also cleverly divided them into categories – visible at the top below our logo – to help assist with your reading experience!

The Leeming Spartan Cricket Club on Apple News!

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