
Graeme Ashley

Club Registrar

23rd Year – Since 1993

The epitome of the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, Graeme Ashley’s commitment to the Spartans is unparalleled, extending more than 40 years. 

In addition to the mountain of other work he provides around the Club, he has and continues to serve as our Club Regsitrar, a role he has performed for 23 years.

The role of the Club Registrar is vital in managing our current and prospective players and members.

As Registrar, Graeme’s duties include maintaining the Club’s database of active and former members, ensuring each and every player is permitted to join the Club following approval from their outgoing team, uploading the selections on our website, and obtaining contact details and emergency contact information and ensuring it is kept up to date.

Even now, in 2016/17, Graeme continues to be one of the most dedicated members at the Club, and whilst his playing days are over, his work off the field further exemplifies his importance to the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club.

The fact that he has successfully completed this role for more than 23 years is just one example of Graeme’s commitment to the Leeming Spartan Cricket Club, and we are certainly honoured to have him as our Club Registrar.

As Club Registrar, Graeme is the first port of call for all of our new members, ensuring they are all cleared to play before the opening round. A task that requires ongoing attention, Graeme is clearly the perfect choice for Club Registrar, and we are extremely grateful to have him back for 2016/17!

Social Details:

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Contact Details:

Full Name: Graeme Ashley
Role: Registrar
Mobile Phone: 0419 916 714
Email Address:
Email Address:
Postal Address: PO Box

167 Bull Creek

Western Australia, 6149

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